1. Elohim (Genesis 1:1) – אלהים
Meaning: "God," the most common and general name for God in the Bible, signifying His creative power.
First appearance: Genesis 1:1 – "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."
Other References: Genesis 2:4, Deuteronomy 6:4
2. Yahweh (Exodus 3:14) – יהוה
Meaning: "I AM," God's self-revealing name, signifying His eternal and unchanging nature.
First appearance: Exodus 3:14 – "God said to Moses, 'I AM WHO I AM.'"
Other References: Psalm 68:4, Isaiah 42:8
3. Adonai (Genesis 15:2) – אדוני
Meaning: "Lord," indicating God's sovereign rule and authority over all creation.
First appearance: Genesis 15:2 – "But Abram said, 'Sovereign LORD, what can you give me since I remain childless...'"
Other References: Psalm 8:1, Psalm 110:1
4. El Shaddai (Genesis 17:1) – אל שדי
Meaning: "God Almighty," emphasizing God's all-powerful nature.
First appearance: Genesis 17:1 – "When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to him and said, 'I am God Almighty; walk before me and be blameless.'"
Other References: Job 42:2
5. El Elyon (Genesis 14:18) – אל עליון
Meaning: "God Most High," highlighting God's supreme authority.
First appearance: Genesis 14:18 – "Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; he was priest of God Most High."
Other References: Psalm 47:2, Isaiah 14:14
6. El Olam (Genesis 21:33) – אל עולם
Meaning: "The Everlasting God," expressing God's eternal nature.
First appearance: Genesis 21:33 – "Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba, and there he called on the name of the LORD, the Eternal God."
Other References: Isaiah 40:28, Psalm 90:2
7. El Roi (Genesis 16:13) – אל ראי
Meaning: "The God Who Sees Me," highlighting God's awareness and personal care for His creation.
First appearance: Genesis 16:13 – "She gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her: 'You are the God who sees me.'"
Other References: 1 Samuel 16:7
8. El Gibbor (Isaiah 9:6) – אל גבור
Meaning: "Mighty God," used prophetically about Jesus Christ.
First appearance: Isaiah 9:6 – "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders..."
Other References: Jeremiah 32:18
9. Jehovah Jireh (Genesis 22:14) – יהוה יראה
Meaning: "The LORD Will Provide," indicating God's provision in times of need.
First appearance: Genesis 22:14 – "So Abraham called that place The LORD Will Provide."
Other References: Psalm 23:1
10. Jehovah Nissi (Exodus 17:15) – יהוה נסי
Meaning: "The LORD is My Banner," symbolizing God's protection and leadership in battle.
First appearance: Exodus 17:15 – "Moses built an altar and called it The LORD is my Banner."
Other References: Psalm 20:5
11. Jehovah Raah (Psalm 23:1) – יהוה רעה
Meaning: "The LORD is My Shepherd," emphasizing God's guidance and care.
First appearance: Psalm 23:1 – "The LORD is my shepherd; I lack nothing."
Other References: John 10:11
12. Jehovah Tsidkenu (Jeremiah 23:6) – יהוה צדקנו
Meaning: "The LORD Our Righteousness," highlighting God as the source of righteousness.
First appearance: Jeremiah 23:6 – "This is the name by which he will be called: The LORD Our Righteous Savior."
Other References: Isaiah 45:24
13. Jehovah Shalom (Judges 6:24) – יהוה שלום
Meaning: "The LORD is Peace," emphasizing God's provision of peace.
First appearance: Judges 6:24 – "So Gideon built an altar to the LORD there and called it The LORD is Peace."
Other References: Isaiah 9:6
14. Jehovah Sabaoth (1 Samuel 1:3) – יהוה צבאות
Meaning: "The LORD of Hosts," indicating God's command over the heavenly armies.
First appearance: 1 Samuel 1:3 – "Year after year this man went up from his town to worship and sacrifice to the LORD Almighty..."
Other References: Isaiah 6:3
15. Jehovah M'Kaddesh (Leviticus 20:8) – יהוה מקדש
Meaning: "The LORD Who Sanctifies," highlighting God's role in making His people holy.
First appearance: Leviticus 20:8 – "Keep my decrees and follow them. I am the LORD, who makes you holy."
Other References: Ezekiel 37:28
16. Jehovah Hoshe'ah (Numbers 13:16) – יהוה הושיעה
Meaning: "The LORD Saves," emphasizing God as the Savior.
First appearance: Numbers 13:16 – "These are the names of the men Moses sent to explore the land..."
Other References: Isaiah 63:8
17. Jehovah Shammah (Ezekiel 48:35) – יהוה שמה
Meaning: "The LORD is There," representing God's omnipresence.
First appearance: Ezekiel 48:35 – "And the name of the city from that time on will be: the LORD is there."
Other References: Revelation 21:3
18. Elohim Chayim (Psalm 42:8) – אלוהים חיים
Meaning: "The Living God," signifying God's eternal vitality and life.
First appearance: Psalm 42:8 – "By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me—a prayer to the God of my life."
Other References: Matthew 22:32
19. El Bethel (Genesis 35:7) – אל בית-אל
Meaning: "God of Bethel," referring to God as the one who revealed Himself to Jacob.
First appearance: Genesis 35:7 – "There he built an altar, and he called the place El Bethel..."
Other References: Hosea 12:4
20. El HaNe'eman (Deuteronomy 7:9) – אל הנאמן
Meaning: "The Faithful God," highlighting God's reliability and trustworthiness.
First appearance: Deuteronomy 7:9 – "Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God..."
Other References: 1 Corinthians 1:9
21. El HaKadosh (Isaiah 5:16) – אל הקדוש
Meaning: "The Holy God," reflecting God's absolute holiness and purity.
First appearance: Isaiah 5:16 – "But the LORD Almighty will be exalted by his justice, and the holy God will be proved holy by his righteous acts."
Other References: Isaiah 6:3
22. El HaShamayim (Genesis 24:3) – אל השמים
Meaning: "God of Heaven," signifying God's sovereignty over the heavens.
First appearance: Genesis 24:3 – "I want you to swear by the LORD, the God of heaven and the God of earth..."
Other References: Daniel 2:18
23. El Gibbor (Isaiah 9:6) – אל גבור
Meaning: "Mighty God," emphasizing God's power and might.
First appearance: Isaiah 9:6 – "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders..."
Other References: Jeremiah 32:18
24. El Yeshuati (Isaiah 12:2) – אל ישועתי
Meaning: "The God of My Salvation," highlighting God’s provision of salvation.
First appearance: Isaiah 12:2 – "Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid."
Other References: Isaiah 49:26
25. El Chai (Psalm 42:8) – אל חי
Meaning: "The Living God," referring to God’s ever-present and sustaining nature.
First appearance: Psalm 42:8 – "By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me—a prayer to the God of my life."
Other References: Psalm 63:3
26. El-Hai (Psalm 42:8) – אל חי
Meaning: "The God of My Life," reflecting God as the sustainer of life.
First appearance: Psalm 42:8 – "By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me—a prayer to the God of my life."
Other References: Psalm 84:2
27. Elohim Chayim (Psalm 42:8) – אלוהים חיים
Meaning: "The Living God," emphasizing God as the source of life.
First appearance: Psalm 42:8 – "By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me—a prayer to the God of my life."
Other References: Matthew 22:32
28. El Tsur (Psalm 18:2) – אל צור
Meaning: "My Rock," signifying God’s stability and security.
First appearance: Psalm 18:2 – "The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer..."
Other References: 2 Samuel 22:2
29. El Elyon (Psalm 78:35) – אל עליון
Meaning: "Most High," highlighting God’s supremacy.
First appearance: Psalm 78:35 – "They remembered that God was their Rock, that God Most High was their Redeemer."
Other References: Psalm 47:2
30. El Shaddai (Genesis 17:1) – אל שדי
Meaning: "God Almighty," a name emphasizing God's power and sufficiency.
First appearance: Genesis 17:1 – "When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to him and said, 'I am God Almighty; walk before me and be blameless.'"
Other References: Job 42:2
31. Jehovah Jireh (Genesis 22:14) – יהוה יראה
Meaning: "The LORD Will Provide," highlighting God's provision.
First appearance: Genesis 22:14 – "So Abraham called that place The LORD Will Provide."
Other References: Psalm 23:1
32. Jehovah Sabaoth (1 Samuel 1:3) – יהוה צבאות
Meaning: "The LORD of Hosts," indicating God's command over heavenly armies.
First appearance: 1 Samuel 1:3 – "Year after year this man went up from his town to worship and sacrifice to the LORD Almighty..."
Other References: Isaiah 6:3
33. Jehovah Shalom (Judges 6:24) – יהוה שלום
Meaning: "The LORD is Peace," symbolizing God's provision of peace.
First appearance: Judges 6:24 – "So Gideon built an altar to the LORD there and called it The LORD is Peace."
Other References: Isaiah 9:6
34. Jehovah M'Kaddesh (Leviticus 20:8) – יהוה מקדש
Meaning: "The LORD Who Sanctifies," emphasizing God's sanctifying power.
First appearance: Leviticus 20:8 – "Keep my decrees and follow them. I am the LORD, who makes you holy."
Other References: Ezekiel 37:28
35. El Gibbor (Isaiah 9:6) – אל גבור
Meaning: "Mighty God," used prophetically about Jesus Christ.
First appearance: Isaiah 9:6 – "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders..."
Other References: Jeremiah 32:18
36. El Chased (Psalm 36:7) – אל חסד
Meaning: "God of Steadfast Love," underscoring God’s enduring love.
First appearance: Psalm 36:7 – "How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings."
Other References: Psalm 63:3
37. El Roi (Genesis 16:13) – אל ראי
Meaning: "The God Who Sees Me," expressing God's personal awareness.
First appearance: Genesis 16:13 – "She gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her: 'You are the God who sees me.'"
Other References: 1 Samuel 16:7
38. El Tsemach (Zechariah 6:12) – אל צמח
Meaning: "The Branch," signifying the coming Messiah from the line of David.
First appearance: Zechariah 6:12 – "Tell him this is what the LORD Almighty says: Here is the man whose name is the Branch..."
Other References: Isaiah 11:1
39. Elohei Yisrael (Genesis 33:20) – אלוהי ישראל
Meaning: "God of Israel," affirming the covenant relationship with Israel.
First appearance: Genesis 33:20 – "There he built an altar, and called it El Elohe Israel."
Other References: Exodus 3:6
40. El Elyon (Genesis 14:18) – אל עליון
Meaning: "God Most High," denoting God's supreme position above all.
First appearance: Genesis 14:18 – "Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine..."
Other References: Psalm 47:2
41. El HaKadosh (Isaiah 5:16) – אל הקדוש
Meaning: "The Holy God," emphasizing God's absolute holiness.
First appearance: Isaiah 5:16 – "But the LORD Almighty will be exalted by his justice, and the holy God will be proved holy by his righteous acts."
Other References: Isaiah 6:3
42. El Gibbor (Isaiah 9:6) – אל גבור
Meaning: "Mighty God," emphasizing strength and power.
First appearance: Isaiah 9:6 – "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders..."
Other References: Jeremiah 32:18
43. Elohim Chayim (Psalm 42:8) – אלוהים חיים
Meaning: "The Living God," emphasizing God's eternal life.
First appearance: Psalm 42:8 – "By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me—a prayer to the God of my life."
Other References: Matthew 22:32
44. El Elyon (Psalm 78:35) – אל עליון
Meaning: "Most High," emphasizing God's supreme nature.
First appearance: Psalm 78:35 – "They remembered that God was their Rock, that God Most High was their Redeemer."
Other References: Psalm 47:2
45. El Shaddai (Genesis 17:1) – אל שדי
Meaning: "God Almighty," focusing on His ability to provide abundantly.
First appearance: Genesis 17:1 – "When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to him and said, 'I am God Almighty; walk before me and be blameless.'"
Other References: Job 42:2
46. Jehovah Nissi (Exodus 17:15) – יהוה נסי
Meaning: "The LORD is My Banner," representing God's leadership in battles.
First appearance: Exodus 17:15 – "Moses built an altar and called it The LORD is my Banner."
Other References: Psalm 20:5
47. Jehovah Raah (Psalm 23:1) – יהוה רעה
Meaning: "The LORD is My Shepherd," symbolizing care, guidance, and provision.
First appearance: Psalm 23:1 – "The LORD is my shepherd; I lack nothing."
Other References: John 10:11
48. Jehovah Shalom (Judges 6:24) – יהוה שלום
Meaning: "The LORD is Peace," symbolizing God's provision of peace.
First appearance: Judges 6:24 – "So Gideon built an altar to the LORD there and called it The LORD is Peace."
Other References: Isaiah 9:6
49. Jehovah Sabaoth (1 Samuel 1:3) – יהוה צבאות
Meaning: "The LORD of Hosts," indicating God’s command over heavenly armies.
First appearance: 1 Samuel 1:3 – "Year after year this man went up from his town to worship and sacrifice to the LORD Almighty..."
Other References: Isaiah 6:3
50. El-Elyon (Genesis 14:18) – אל עליון
Meaning: "God Most High," indicating God's supreme sovereignty.
First appearance: Genesis 14:18 – "Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; he was priest of God Most High."
Other References: Psalm 47:2